Teeth Whitening Plantation, FL

Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic treatment at our Plantation, FL office. Our dentist can brighten your teeth in just one visit! Professional whitening is a quick and affordable way to fix tooth stains and discoloration.

Studies show that people with whiter teeth smile more and feel happier. A brighter smile can boost your appearance and make you feel refreshed. Many patients also report feeling more confident after whitening their teeth.

Dr. Uttma Dham offers teeth whitening for patients who want to improve their smiles. Whether you want instant results or prefer to whiten your teeth slowly, Westside Dental Center can help you reach your cosmetic goals.

Professional whitening works better than store-bought products. It provides more even results and helps reduce tooth and gum sensitivity. You can achieve a brighter smile in just one visit to our Plantation dental office.

Affordable teeth whitening procedure in Plantation, Florida

Philips Zoom Teeth Whitening Treatment

Dr. Dham is specially trained to use Philips Zoom Teeth Whitening, which can brighten your teeth by up to 8 shades in just 1 hour! This process uses a light and hydrogen peroxide gel to remove deep stains without harming your teeth.

We can quickly remove years of stains with the Philips Zoom system. To protect your gums, Dr. Dham will apply a barrier before using a special light to activate the gel. Depending on how bright you want your smile, we may suggest touch-up treatments.

Zoom Whitening is the fastest way to get a brighter smile, perfect for special events.

Take-home Whitening Kits

If you prefer to whiten your teeth at home, we offer take-home whitening kits. These kits use professional-grade whitening gels and custom trays, and patients see results in about a month.

Take-home kits provide better results than store-bought options and are also more affordable than in-office treatments. They also help reduce tooth and gum sensitivity. You can use them to touch up your teeth after an in-office treatment too.

Teeth Whitening Aftercare

In the first 48 hours after whitening, your teeth are more likely to stain. Avoid dark foods and drinks like coffee, soda, tomato sauce, red wine, and citrus fruits. Sensitivity to hot and cold drinks is also common but should go away within two days.

We also recommend not smoking or using tobacco products, as they are a leading cause of tooth stains and can undo the effects of your whitening treatment.

Do you have more questions about our teeth whitening services? Keep reading for answers to common questions in our office!

Frequently Asked Questions

What dental issues should be fixed before whitening?

Before whitening your teeth, it’s important to treat any dental problems that could affect your results and oral health. Some common issues include cavities, plaque, gum disease, and worn-down enamel.

Cavities can trap stains, making it harder for the whitening gel to work. Gum disease can also cause pain during the treatment. Weak enamel may lead to more sensitivity and less effective whitening.

Your dentist will check your enamel and recommend any needed treatments first. Whitening isn’t recommended if you have problems like decay, gum disease, or exposed tooth roots, as these can affect your results.

Can I whiten dental work like crowns or veneers?

No, teeth whitening does not work on dental work or restorations. Materials like porcelain and cosmetic bonding are made to resist whitening. This means that crowns, veneers, dentures, and implants won’t change color with whitening treatments. Fillings and bonding won’t whiten either.

What are the risks or side effects of teeth whitening?

One of the most common side effects is tooth sensitivity. After whitening, you may feel more sensitive to hot or cold drinks. This usually goes away, but sometimes it lasts longer. If sensitivity bothers you, talk to your dentist.

Another issue is gum irritation. Whitening gels can sometimes cause gums to feel sore or inflamed if they come into contact with the gel. Applying the gel carefully and following professional instructions can help avoid this.

Overusing whitening products can also wear down enamel over time, so it’s important to follow the directions and not overdo it. While it’s great to have a bright smile, protecting the health of your teeth should come first.

Lastly, not all teeth respond the same to whitening treatments. Some stains might not lighten as much as you expect, so it’s important to have realistic expectations.

What can I do to keep my teeth white after treatment?

While whitening gives quick results, making a few lifestyle changes can help keep your teeth bright for longer.

First, be mindful of what you eat and drink. Things like coffee, tea, red wine, and berries can stain teeth. Cutting down on these can help, and rinsing your mouth with water afterward can prevent staining. Crunchy fruits and veggies, like apples and carrots, can also help clean your teeth naturally while you eat.

Good oral hygiene is key too. Brushing at least twice a day and flossing daily will keep your teeth clean and prevent plaque buildup. Using a whitening toothpaste from time to time can also help maintain your bright smile.

Regular dental check-ups are important for keeping your teeth healthy and white. Your dentist can remove tough stains and give advice tailored to your needs.

Should I drink coffee through a straw after teeth whitening?

Yes, using a straw for coffee or any dark drink is a good idea after whitening. A straw helps reduce contact between the drink and your teeth, lowering the chance of stains.

If you have more questions about our teeth whitening services, call our office at (954) 251-0640 or request an appointment online today!