You likely already know that diet influences oral health in long-lasting ways. So steer clear of foods and beverages that could hurt a beautiful smile. NOW certain foods can ENHANCE your dental health too, including your gums.
Periodontal problems could leave you with irreversible dental damage, so preventative measures like consuming certain foods will greatly protect the look and feel of your smile. Pay attention to the foods you eat, and read on to discover four foods that, when introduced to your diet, can keep your gums healthy.
Which Food Items Can Protect My Gums?
An apple a day famously keeps the doctor away, but eating this fruit can make your dentist happy too. This fruit makes a great snack if you crave something sweet to eat but want to avoid sugar. Sugar notoriously eats away at your teeth, putting you in danger of cavities.
But choosing an apple can have benefits for your gums as well as your teeth. Hard-textured fruits will scrape away lingering plaque from your teeth as you eat them, boosting your oral hygiene.
With less plaque on your smile, bacteria can have more trouble spreading through your mouth. So you can see a reduced risk of gum disease and other oral infections when you select an apple as a snack.
Dentists encourage their patients to eat plenty of dairy products when possible because the calcium in these foods will strengthen teeth. But yogurt in particular can also improve your gum health.
Yogurt contains probiotics that balance bacteria throughout your body, including in your mouth. With less oral bacterial build-up, you see less danger of infections like gum disease. Then you can experience fewer periodontal discomforts like bleeding, swelling, and tenderness in the gums.
Oily fish like salmon feature omega-3s, a type of essential fat thought to have anti-inflammatory properties. Gum disease is known to create inflammation in the gum tissue, so consuming these items can reduce these uncomfortable side effects.
While salmon may alleviate these symptoms, you will need intervention from a dentist through periodontal therapy to get rid of gum disease for good. Tell your dentist about any concerns regarding your gum health.
Some people may argue that water does not count as food. But the oral health benefits of drinking plenty of water can ensure your gums remain healthy. Staying hydrated helps you avoid dry mouth, a condition in which you produce less saliva due to dehydration.
Dry mouth creates an environment in which bacteria can travel with greater ease, increasing your risk of gum disease. Drinking water will also rinse lingering residues from your mouth between teeth-brushing regimens, boosting your oral hygiene.
This eliminates contributors to plaque development, further reducing the bacterial spread and therefore your chances of contracting gum disease. Gum disease can cause lasting damage to your smile, including tooth loss, so take preventative measures with your periodontal health seriously.